Kirana Webflow Template

Kirana is a sophisticated and elegant Webflow template aimed at the hotelier & bed and breakfast industry.

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What is included in Kirana?

  • 10+ unique pages
  • 15+ easily customizable sections & symbols
  • Robust style guide based on Finsweet's Client-First approach, inlcuding 100+ styles & components
Kirana Hotel Template Preview Mockup 1
10+ unique pages
Kirana Hotel Template Preview Mockup 2
15+ sections & symbols
Kirana Hotel Template Preview Style Guide
100+ styles & components
Kirana Hotel Template Preview Figma Logo
Figma file included

Send us an email to with your purchase receipt, and we will send you the editable Figma file for the Kirana template.

Kirana Hotel Template Preview Mockup 3

Pages overview

Take a look at all pages included in the Kirana template.